Junior Grand Prix season suffers setback with second cancellation

The recent decision by Skate Canada to cancel the season-opening Junior Grand Prix in Richmond, British Columbia, at the end of August is an ominous sign for skating in the short term.

The move comes nearly three weeks ahead of a deadline of June 15 that had been imposed by the International Skating Union’s Working Group in charge of planning for the coming season, and just 10 days after Slovakia had pulled the plug on the second JGP (set for the city of Kosice) in early September and the nation’s Challenger Series event scheduled for two weeks later.

The attempts to get the skating campaign disrupted by the COVID-19 virus are being compounded by several issues, including safety concerns, the various quarantine requirements and phased re-openings in different nations, politics, as well as finance.

All of these factors are combining to make it difficult to reach a consensus on when and how the JGP can begin. Sponsors and governing bodies will be reluctant to invest the time and money necessary to stage competitions that may not happen or not include fans if they do.

Without big money in television rights supporting skating these days, the pressure and urgency for coming up with a solution appears absent. Politicians are a lot more concerned about poll numbers than sports these days, and skating is far down the list even then.

Unlike soccer’s Premier League, and the four major North American sports (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL), where plans are moving forward for all to resume or begin play due to the huge TV money that is in danger of being lost, skating does not have as much at stake financially.

The Premier League and North American sports circuits also don’t have to deal with the complexities of international travel as much as skating does. With all of the skating events being held in different countries, it further complicates matters.

The argument can be made that the JGP season is more important than the senior GP, as it is crucial for the development of young skaters. My hope is that both seasons will eventually be held, even if they are postponed a bit.

One solution the ISU might have to consider, in a bid to buy more time for the virus concerns to recede, would be to have the JGP contested after the senior GP has been completed. All efforts must be made for the JGP to be staged this season.

2度目の大会中止に歯止めがかかる 2020/21 JGP シーズン

翻訳者: ギャラガー美慧菜(ヴィエナ)






テレビ業界からの大きな収益が失われる恐れがあるサッカーのプレミアリーグや北アメリカでの4大スポーツ(NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL)はシーズンが再始動し事態が前進している。だが、それに対しフィギュア界はそれほど市場が大きくないスポーツだ。


