A New Beginning

April 1, 2020

Today I am very happy to announce the launching of my own figure skating website – jackfigure.com. This will be a reader-funded site that will focus on providing exclusive news, interviews and columns on Japanese skating. 

International skating will be covered as well, but the primary focus will be on Japanese skaters. My goal is to cover as many events as possible in person. This includes domestic competitions, the Grand Prix series and world championships.

For the past 25 years, as I have covered several Olympics and other major competitions, I have been writing skating stories and driving web traffic to other companies. But from now own I will be doing it for you readers and myself.

I want to write stories that readers want to read about skaters, coaches, executive and others in the skating community. So I will be asking for your suggestions in addition to your support of this project.

This will not be a subscription site. I want all to able to access the content, so there will be no paywall. Readers will be able to give monthly donations on Patreon, a Japanese crowdfunding platform, or directly through PayPal. There will be rewards for those who do contribute.

I am looking forward to the challenge of providing you with compelling content and beginning this journey together.






これは購買サイトではありません。すべての人がコンテンツ(記事)にアクセスできるようにしたいので、有料ではありません。読者は、Patreon, 日本のクラウドファンディング、またはPayPalを介して直接、毎月の寄付を行うことができます。これら支援者様のためにすてきなお返しがあります。
